Understanding Governmental and Non-Governmental Funding and Network Structures in Different Models of Public Health Infrastructure

Year: 2013
Funding: Delivery and Cost Studies (DACS)
Status: Completed

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The NH Public Health Practice Based Research Network (NH PHPBRN) is proposing a “Category Two: Delivery System Comparison Study” that addresses the National Agenda for Public Health Services and Systems Research priority area “Public health financing and economics.” The NH PHPBRN seeks to expand on previous work that collected financial information for both governmental organizations and community-based partners in the delivery of public health services, focusing on the area of tobacco prevention and cessation. The NH PHPBRN will also consider how funding and allocation for these services relate to connectivity among partner members of local public health systems, measured using the PARTNER tool. The study will include four communities with diverse local public health system infrastructures and in geographically and demographically distinct areas, and will explore how those infrastructural differences might relate to various financial inputs. The research team intends to be able to describe differences in funding sources and allocation for tobacco services, to make inferences about how financial characteristics might impact connectivity across partners delivering public health services. At the partner site level, being able to quantify the variety of funding sources can help sites better understand their own infrastructure, and the impact that has on the collaboration of their partners. This work will assist other states to better understand whether public health funding can impact the way a local public health system with multiple diverse partners functions. Nationally, NH will seek to distribute its findings to other members of the PHPBRN and other PHSSR researchers. Tools developed for collecting the financial data, including documentation of the qualitative sessions that inform the collection tool, will be made available to other PHPBRNs via the Coordinating Center. NH will respond to calls for abstracts and articles in relevant publications and conferences.


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Josephine Porter, MPH

Lea Ayers LaFave, RN, PhD