Comparative Cost Study of STD Services in Florida

Year: 2013
Funding: Delivery and Cost Studies (DACS)
Status: Completed

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Through a study focusing on the prevention and control of sexually transmitted infections (STI), the Florida Public Health Practice-Based Research Network, led by the University of Florida, is evaluating unit costs of public health service delivery and examining the effects of delivery system variations on such costs as: 1) the standardization and centralization of programs, 2) the centralization of information technology and human resources systems, 3) economies of scale related to population size of health department jurisdiction, 4) local tax and other revenue support for CHD services, and 5) responsiveness to local community governance. Using standard conceptual and analytical approaches employed in cost analysis, the study will focus on comparisons of variations within Florida. Evidence generated through the study will facilitate informed decision-making, ultimately enhancing both delivery systems for public health services and support efforts toward achieving optimal, equitable health outcomes.


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William Livingood, Ph.D.

Bonnie Sorenson, M.D., M.B.A.