Implementing the New York State Prevention Agenda at the Local Level

Year: 2014
Funding: Quick Strike Research Award
Status: Completed

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The New York PBRN Quick Strike project evaluates mental health and substance abuse (MHSA) interventions using data collected in 2013 from the four-year community health assessments (CHAs) and community health improvement plans (CHIPs) submitted by local health departments (LHDs) in New York state, and the comprehensive three-year community services plans submitted by tax-exempt hospitals. The study will provide empirical findings as they relate to the following questions: (1) what types of MHSA interventions are planned; (2) what fraction of these are population-based interventions rather than one-person-at-a-time; (3) what fraction of these are primary prevention as opposed to screening and treatment; (4) what fraction are delivered in community-based settings vs. clinical settings; (5) what fraction of these are evidence– based; (6) how often is there concordance between the MHSA strategies proposed by LHDs vs. hospitals, and how are the roles/responsibilities divided up? 


Research Areas


Chris Maylahn, M.P.H. and Priti Irani, M.S.
New York Department of Health