Variation in Local Public Health Actions to Address Health Inequities

Year: 2011
Funding: Research Acceleration & Capacity Expansion Supplement (RACE)
Status: Completed

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This project of the Minnesota PBRN seeks to investigate the extent to which local health departments in Minnesota engage in activities to reduce health inequities, and to identify the characteristics of local public health systems that facilitate and impede these activities. The project begins by analyzing existing administrative data compiled by the state health agency to identify the characteristics of local health departments that currently collect and report data on health disparities, social determinants of health, or health inequities within their jurisdictions. An electronic survey of all 75 local health departments in Minnesota captures information on the range of activities that these agencies undertake to address health inequities. These data are being linked with existing data sources on local health department finances, expenditures, and governance and decision-making structures in order to identify factors that facilitate and impede activities to address inequities. As a final step, key-informant interviews and focus groups are conducted in a sample of local health departments to provide a more detailed examination of inequity-focused activities.



Health Disparities, Social Determinants of Health and Health Inequity Definitions


Addressing Health Inequities – the Role of Local Health Departments in Minnesota (Keeneland Conference, April 2013)

Research Areas

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Melanie M. Peterson-Hickey, Ph.D.

Kim Gearin, Ph.D., M.S.

Elizabeth Gyllstrom, Ph.D., M.P.H.