Measuring the QI Continuum and Correlates in Public Health Settings

Year: 2011
Funding: Research Implementation Award (RIA)
Status: Completed

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The Minnesota PBRN study seeks to identify, measure, and compare characteristics of quality improvement (QI) implementation in local public health settings across the state. The study will develop and validate measures the quality of QI implemented in Minnesota public health agencies (state and local) relative to a conceptualization of “full implementation” or “mature QI” as articulated in the professional literature and consistent with professional knowledge. These measures will then be used in a comparative analysis to examine how institutional and community contextual factors influence the quality of QI implementation in local public health agencies.





Monitoring QI Maturity of Public Health Organizations and Systems in Minnesota: Promising Early Findings and Suggested Next Steps

Research Areas

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Kimberly Gearin, Ph.D.