Quality Improvement Strategies and Regional Public Health Structures

Year: 2011
Funding: Quick Strike Research Award
Status: Completed

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The Nebraska PBRN will take advantage of the unique regional health department structure used in two-thirds of its local public health jurisdictions to mount a comparative study of the implementation and perceived effectiveness of QI activities in regional vs. single-county public health delivery systems. The Nebraska PBRN will partner with Minnesota’s PBRN in order to use the QI classification system and taxonomy under development in Minnesota to study QI activities in Nebraska. A coordinated approach to QI classification and data collection will enable cross-state comparisons of data and key findings. This project capitalizes on an opportunity to rapidly produce new information about regional QI models at a time when public health decision-makers across the U.S. are preparing for accreditation and responding to political and economic forces demanding improved accountability, efficiency, and value in public health.



A Study of the Implementation and Perceived Effectiveness of QI Activities for Nebraska's Local Health Departments (COPPHI Open Forum, December 2011)

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David Palm, Ph.D.

Li Wu Chen, Ph.D.