Leep CJ

Profile-IQ: Web-Based Data Query System for Local Health Department Infrastructure and Activities.

Shah GH, Leep CJ, Alexander D.  •  March 21, 2014

Objectives: To demonstrate the use of National Association of County & City Health Officials' Profile-IQ, a Web-based data query system, and how policy makers, researchers, the general public, and public health professionals can use the system to generate descriptive statistics on local health departments.

Design:  This article is a descriptive account of an important health informatics tool based on information from the project charter for Profile-IQ and the authors' experience and knowledge in design and use of this query system.

Do PHAB Accreditation Prerequisites Predict Local Health Departments’ Intentions to Seek Voluntary National Accreditation?

Shah GH, Beatty K, Leep CJ  •  July 20, 2013

Accreditation has been identified as a crucial strategy for strengthening the public health infrastructure. As agencies prepare for accreditation, it is important to understand how intentions to seek accreditation are related to the current level of readiness based on the three Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) prerequisites.